Product Details
LM331N Voltage to Frequency Converter

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A voltage to frequency converter IC which is ideally suited for use in simple low-cost circuits for A/D conversion, F/V conversion, linear frequency modulation or demodulation and many other functions. The output when used as a V/F converter is a pulse train at a frequency precisely proportional to the applied input voltage. Features include: 
full scale frequencies from 1Hz to 100kHz attainable; dynamic range of 100dB at 10kHz full scale; non- linearity typically ▒0· 003% full scale; and excellent temperature stability typically ▒30ppm/°C. 
Specifications (typical at 25°C): 
Supply voltage: 4· 5V to 40V
Scale factor: 1kHz/V
Output current: 136╡A
Operating range 
of current: 10 to 500╡A
Reference voltage (pin 2): 1· 89V
Supply current: 3mA at Vs = 5V
4mA at Vs = 40V
Parts List for Precision Voltage-to-Frequency Converter 
R1,2,3 Min Res 10k (M10K) 
R4 Min Res 6k8 (M6K8) 
R5 Min Res 12k (M12K) 
R6,7 Min Res 100k (M100K) 
R8 Min Res 2k2 (M2K2) 
RV1 22-Turn Cermet 5k (UH24B) 
C1 Poly Layer 0· 01╡F (WW29G) 
C2 Mylar 0· 0047╡F (WW17T) 
D1 1N4002 (QL74R) 
IC1 LM331 (UL47B) 
IC2 OP-77 (UL05F) 
Parts List for Frequency-to-Voltage Converter 
R1,2 Min Res 10k (M10K) 
R3 Min Res 6k8 (M6K8) 
R4 Min Res 68k (M68K) 
R5 Min Res 12k (M12K) 
R6 Min Res 100k (M100K) 
RV1 22-Turn Cermet 5k (UH24B) 
C1 Poly Layer 0· 01╡F (WW29G) 
C2 PC Elect 1╡F 100V (FF01B) 
C3 Polystyrene 470pF (BX32K) 
Parts List for Temperature to Frequency Converter 
R1 Min Res 2k2 (M2K2) 
R2 Min Res 120 (M120R) 
R3 Min Res 12k (M12K) 
R4 Min Res 22k (M22K) 
R5 Min Res 6k8 (M6K8) 
RV1 22-Turn Cermet 5k (UH24B) 
C1 Poly Layer 0· 1╡F (WW41U) 
C2 Poly Layer 0· 01╡F (WW29G) 
IC1 LM334Z (WQ32K) 
IC2 LM331 (UL4